Weblogic/WLST - Remote Control of a Domain

on Friday, 18 May 2012
One of the most frustrating parts of my job is the administration of a Weblogic domain when it resides on a Linux machine. A numpty has decided that my team isn't allowed to have any permissions on Linux boxes and so we cant gain access to our Weblogic files - this means we cant stop and start our domains using startWeblogic.sh.

One solution I found was to Administer the domain via the Nodemanager.

To start, any server that you wish to administer via the Nodemanager has to be associated with a machine and a nodemanager needs to be running. Once done, start a WLST session.


The command above will allow you to connect to the nodemanager.


Start the server.


Get server status.


Force shutdown.


Disconnect from the nodemanager.


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