ClearCase - Removing Element Version

on Friday, 4 May 2012
Here are 2 methods for removing a version of an element. The first method is limited to rolling back the latest version, however, the second will allow a rollback to any version. It's not a good idea to delete a version in ClearCase because they can be problematic.

Method 1- Subtractive Merge:
cleartool merge -graphical -to {ELEMENT} -delete -version {VERSION}

e.g cleartool merge -graphical -to deploy-lib-init.xml -delete -version \main\37

If no manual merges were required on checkin ,then chances are this will be resolved automatically. All of the data for this can be obtained by right clicking on the element in ClearCase Explorer -> Properties of version. You should get a window like:

**NOTE** Because the window has a fixed size you cant see the whole string for "Name", I would advise copying the string into a text editor.


The two highlighted parts are the ELEMENT and VERSION respectively.

Method 2- Hijack with older version:

cleartool get –to {ELEMENT} {ELEMENT}@@{VERSION}

e.g. cleartool get –to deploy-lib-init.xml deploy-lib-init.xml@@\main\5

A slightly easier approach. This involves hijacking your local version with a version specified by yourself (the example above would take version 5). This can then be checked out and back in to create a new version that replicates the specified version.


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