Ant - Error handling

on Saturday, 5 May 2012
I found this on the net a long time ago and thought I would share. Basically, it parses a log file and extracts the errors.

 <target name="build">
   <echo message="Add foo bar baz"/>
        <exec executable="${db.sqlplus}">
   <echo message="Load x y z"/>
        <exec executable="${db.sqlplus}" dir="foobar">
   <!--Check the log files here-->
           <check-log-file fileToCheck="${output.log.1}"/>
           <check-log-file fileToCheck="${output.log.2}"/>
   <antcall target="fail-if-error"/>
   Check the file named in the property to see if there are errors.
   The way this works is to find all lines containing the text "ERROR" and put
   them into a separate file. Then it checks to see if this file has non-zero
   length. If so, then there are errors, and it sets the property errors.found.
   Then it calls the send-email target, which doesn't execute if the errors.found
   property isn't set.
 <macrodef name="check-log-file">
   <attribute name=""/>
   <attribute name="file.errorcount" default="@{}.errorcount" description="The file to hold the error lines"/>
     <copy file="@{}" tofile="@{file.errorcount}">
           <contains value="ERROR"/>
     <condition property="errors.found" value="true">
       <length file="@{file.errorcount}" when="gt" length="0"/>
     <antcall target="check-log-file-send-email">
       <param name=""  value="@{}"/>
   If there are any errors, send an email to let someone know
 <target name="check-log-file-send-email" if="errors.found" description="Sends an email out if error detected">
   <resourcecount property="error.count">
     <tokens><!-- default tokenizer is a line tokenizer -->
       <file file="${}.errorcount"/>
   <echo message="Database build (${e1.codeline} - ${error.count} errors found..."/>
   <antcall target="mail">
     <param name="from-address" value="build"/>
     <param name="to-list"    value="myemail"/>
     <param name="subject"    value="Automated database build error report for ${}"/>
     <param name="message"    value="See attached log file, ${error.count} error(s) found..."/>
     <param name="attach"    value="${}"/>
   Fails the database build if errors were detected.
 <target name="fail-if-error" if="errors.found">
   <echo message="Errors found - setting database fail flag..."/>
   <fail message="Errors detected during ${codeline} database build. Check logs."/>


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