Sir Ken Robinson - Schools Kill Creativity

on Monday 20 January 2014
What are your views on the clip?

The most interesting part of this clip was how captivating Ken was during this presentation. He used humour to get his point across instead of ranting. He commanded attention within the first few moments of being on stage and held that attention until the end.

What do you see as the key points?

School had a pretty lousy system for recognizing talented students.

Does it resonate - if so, how ?

Research has shown that talent is not something people are born with; it is something that is developed over time with hard work and diligent practice. Once students are “tracked” as low-potential, they will not be
assigned challenging classes, as Gradillas discovered. Tracking can start very early and be based on little more than a student’s command of English. (Jaime Escalante and Jack Dirmann, “The Jaime Escalante Math Program,” Journal of Negro Education59, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 407–23)

Will you do anything differently as a result of watching it?

I think its important to nurture creativity in the same way as academia. However, its important not to force one on the other unwillingly.


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