Adding an 'About' page to your application

on Monday, 23 April 2012
Something simple, but very effective!

I want you to do something for me; at the top of the browser you’re reading this on there should be a help button (unless you’re on a mobile device). Click it, then click the about option. You should be presented with something similar to this:

If the application you or your company is developing doesn’t have this feature then you need to give yourself a slap on the wrist and ask yourself, WHY? As a release engineer we’re often expected to know exactly what’s in every environment at all times. If you’re a small organisation with only a few projects and deliveries then this is sometimes possible, but even then what happens if you go on holiday and someone else covers for you??

If you’re using Ant I would advise writing a small task that will pull a few basic parameters from your build machine. Some useful properties to gather are the following:

Build Machine

Build Number

Here’s the Ant target I use. It includes some ClearCase stuff (the source tool we use) but I thought I would leave it in for information.

 <target name="buildinfo" description="Record build metadata">
 <echo message="${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildby=${env.USERNAME}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="host=${env.COMPUTERNAME}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="builddate=${build.time}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildview=${cc.view}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildstream=${}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildproject=${cc.project}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="foundationbaseline=${cc.found-baselines}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="recommendedbaseline=${cc.rec-baseline}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="Projrecommendedbaseline=${cc.rec-bline-stream}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="currentbaselines=${cc.current-baselines}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>

Write some code to get this to display in your app then its job done!


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