on Monday, 23 April 2012
Something simple, but very effective!

I want you to do something for me; at the top of the browser you’re reading this on there should be a help button (unless you’re on a mobile device). Click it, then click the about option. You should be presented with something similar to this:

If the application you or your company is developing doesn’t have this feature then you need to give yourself a slap on the wrist and ask yourself, WHY? As a release engineer we’re often expected to know exactly what’s in every environment at all times. If you’re a small organisation with only a few projects and deliveries then this is sometimes possible, but even then what happens if you go on holiday and someone else covers for you??

If you’re using Ant I would advise writing a small task that will pull a few basic parameters from your build machine. Some useful properties to gather are the following:

Build Machine

Build Number

Here’s the Ant target I use. It includes some ClearCase stuff (the source tool we use) but I thought I would leave it in for information.

 <target name="buildinfo" description="Record build metadata">
 <echo message="${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildby=${env.USERNAME}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="host=${env.COMPUTERNAME}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="builddate=${build.time}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildview=${cc.view}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildstream=${cc.stream}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="buildproject=${cc.project}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="foundationbaseline=${cc.found-baselines}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="recommendedbaseline=${cc.rec-baseline}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="Projrecommendedbaseline=${cc.rec-bline-stream}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>
 <echo message="currentbaselines=${cc.current-baselines}${line.separator}" file="${build.props.file}" append="true"/>

Write some code to get this to display in your app then its job done!

As I mentioned in my previous post, my favourite email plugin is the Email-ext plugin . Here's the configurations I use for notifying people when build conditions are met.



Failing tests:

When a build becomes unstable it's telling you a build has been succesful, but some of your JUnit tests have failed. It is a good idea to let the whole team know this has happened and send them the list of failed tests.


Build started by ${CAUSE}
Changes since last build:

A failed build is more serious than an unstable build because someone has submitted code that is erraneous and could impact everyone else who is working on the CI stream. For this reason we need to monitor what has been submitted since the last working build and why the build was started.


Build started by ${CAUSE}
Changes since last build:

This is the same as a failing build, but instead of notifying everyone, we now only email submitters. The reason for this is because they're adding to a broken environment, hopefully this will encourage the developer to chase down the error and fix it so that they can check their own build status.




Failing tests:

This is the same as still failing but instead we report the failed tests to the submitter in the hope they will fix the issue. If not then you need to turn Judge Dredd on them!
In the company I work for Cruise Control has always been the primary continuous integration tool. When I was asked to add a few projects to Cruise Control I thought it would be a fairly straightforward task.... I was wrong. Cruise Control works by setting up your projects with a series of .xml files and running a batch file that pulls the configurations from these files and starts the continuous polling.

Thankfully, Jenkins(Hudson at the time) was in the pipeline and I was given the responsibility of migrating one of our latest projects to it. Jenkins is a very easy to use tool which hides much of the 'hard' configuration behind a GUI.

Installing Jenkins

To run Jenkins you must first download it from the Jenkins website and save it to a sensible location. The latest version can be found at the Jenkins Website.

One thing to note here is that you will be downloading a .war file NOT a .zip . This caused a great deal of confusion when I downloaded this from a Windows PC and it decided to rename the file to a .zip - furthermore, Winzip will happily open the file as if it was a .zip . If this happens simply change the file extension to .war.

On the host machine you can now start running Jenkins. To get Jenkins running I created a small batch file (Linux script here):

@ECHO off
@rem *************************************************************************
@rem PROPERTIES - Set these here.
@rem *************************************************************************

SET JAVA_HOME=D:\Tools\jdk\jdk160_14_R27.6.5-32

@rem JAVA properties

@rem *************************************************************************
@rem Make sure you have a Java JDK on your machine and that you have it added
@rem to the PATH environment variable
@rem *************************************************************************

@rem *************************************************************************
@rem Set the window title. Change project name to suit
@rem *************************************************************************
TITLE Jenkins Continuous Integration

@rem Start Jenkins
java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=%HTTP_PORT% --ajp13Port=%AJP_PORT% -XX:MaxPermSize=%MAX_PERM_SIZE%
on Thursday, 19 April 2012

Audit TrailKeeps a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.

A very simple plugin that logs all actions performed in Jenkins. If you suspect someone is messing with your hard work then check the log and find out. The log also tells how each build was started which is also another good bit of information.

ClaimAllow broken build claiming.

I’ve often experimented with project configurations which have broken the builds which have then sent an email notifying the whole team. It’s a poor use of resources if you have developers looking for faults in the build when you know you are the cause. This is where the plugin comes in. By claiming a build you’re ultimately telling the team “I broke the build and I’m working on fixing it”, this can save masses of developers time by not having them all looking for the same problem.

Console Columnprovides a fast-path console link available for views.

Very simple but effective plugin that adds a link to one or more (Last Console, last failed, last stable, last successful or last unsuccessful) consoles. I’ve created an “All Projects” view and added a column to link all last consoles.


Description Setter - sets the description for each build, based upon a RegEx test of the build log file.

If like me you have your build output lots of information in your logs you can look for this information and tie it to a build. I use Rational ClearCase for my source control and when I create a build I always pull down information about the baseline I’m using. All I need to do is set up a regular expression for this information then the plugin sets this information next to build.

Disk Usagerecord individual project disk usage.

Storage is cheap these days but you should still keep tabs on how much your CI is using. A great plugin for this is the Disk Usage plugin. It does exactly what it says on the tin so I won’t keep on. There is one caveat, and that is at the time of writing if you have several jobs sharing the same workspace it will think they are separate and add them all together. I have 3 jobs but only a single workspace (3gb) unfortunately this plugin does a 3x3 calculation and reports that I’m using 9gb - obviously that isn’t correct.

Email-extreplacement for Jenkins email publisher.

The email publisher built into Jenkins is good, but this is so much better. With this tool you can specify what information is emailed, to whom and for what condition.
The plugin works around the concept of triggers. Triggers are conditions that are met and warrant some action. Let’s say a build fails, you may want the whole team to know so that it can be resolved. However, if a developer submits a failing test you may not want to send everyone an email, just the culprit. The plugin allows you to do all of this as well as customise the emails you send. This is a great tool that we can’t live without now.

Job Config Historysaves copies of all job and system configurations. Wiki

Have you ever changed the configuration of a build, it’s started failing but you can’t remember what you changed? Well, that’s exactly what this plugin solves. If you go into one of your jobs you will notice an icon on the left “Job Config History”.

If you click this option you will be presented with a page full of change history. You can compare entries and explore the XML for the faulty change. Note – the plugin doesn’t show you where in the GUI you have made the change so you will need to understand how XML works to find that yourself.

Hudson Tray Applicationprovides a Tray application that monitors this (and other) Hudson servers.
This is a great little plugin that installs a simple app in the system tray that you can use to monitor the jobs on your CI server. The app means that you no longer have to log in via the browser to get an update on project statuses and you can even launch builds from the app itself.

Monitoring - Hudson/Jenkins' monitoring with JavaMelody.

Statistics make the world go round, right? It’s important to know if our servers are handling the strain of building our projects continuously. I strongly advise firing off a number of builds and seeing how well your server is performing. I’ve learnt a lot from just playing around and I’ve reached a nice performance from the build machines without risking out of memory errors.