To ensure no plain text passwords are stored on the servers the following piece of code can be used encrypt and decrypt passwords.
import javax.crypto.*
import javax.crypto.spec.*
class DESCodec {
static encode = { String target ->
def cipher = getCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE)
return cipher.doFinal(target.bytes).encodeBase64()
static decode = { String target ->
def cipher = getCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE)
return new String(cipher.doFinal(target.decodeBase64()))
private static getCipher(mode) {
def keySpec = new DESKeySpec(getPassword())
def cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES")
def keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES")
cipher.init(mode, keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec))
return cipher
private static getPassword() { "secret12".getBytes("UTF-8") }
Things to note in this script are:
- encode - this method takes a string, encodes the string against a key and returns an encoded string
- decode - this method takes the encoded string and key and decodes to the plain text password
- key - this is the string that is set to "secret12" in the code above. This should be changed and owned
- on a per environment basis. To further improve ease of use this should be parameterised.
task setPassword << {
println new DESCodec().encode("password")
task getPassword << {
println new DESCodec().decode("VGf1XPEzkT7g6D2EhjMlrg==")
How you use this in your gradle script is entirely up to you. One suggestion I have would be to pass in the
Key as a parameter to your script.