At my company there's a wide range of technologies being used; some as old as the Mainframe, and newer technologies such as web services. This means that we also have a wide range of age groups - some from the days of COBOL, and other newbies such as myself from the C++ and Java days.
Something I've come to learn is that the old timers are not open to change, and if they have to change they want it to be easy. I'm sure you can imagine the looks on their faces when I started showing them how to use Git bash - anyone would think I just punched a small child.
TortoiseGit is a very useful tool that nicely hides the implementation of Git from the user. I found the old timers were far more receptive to Tortoise than they were of Git bash. I still finished the Git training in bash, but I also offered a small section on Tortoise at the end. The reason for this is that I wanted them to truly understand what Git was doing before hiding that behind a nice UI.